New Delhi: Odisha has officially signed an MoU to implement the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), replacing its existing Gopabandhu Jan Arogya Yojana. The agreement was signed during a ceremony at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, in the presence of Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda, Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Majhi, Deputy Chief Minister K.V. Singh Deo, and Odisha Health Minister Mukesh Mahalinga. Senior officials, including Ashwathi S., Secretary of Health and Family Welfare, Odisha, and Ayushman Bharat CEO L.S. Changsan, signed the pact.
Union Ministers Dharmendra Pradhan and Jual Oram were also present, highlighting the significance of the initiative.
For senior citizens above 70 years, additional health insurance support will be provided under the PM Vayabandhan Yojana. Odisha alone houses 23,12,979 elderly individuals eligible for these benefits.
With this integration, Ayushman Bharat and the Gopabandhu Arogya Yojana will co-exist temporarily, ensuring a seamless transition.
By joining Ayushman Bharat, Odisha steps closer to ensuring quality healthcare for its citizens, marking a significant milestone in the journey toward a healthier and more inclusive India.
Union Ministers Dharmendra Pradhan and Jual Oram were also present, highlighting the significance of the initiative.
Transforming Healthcare in Odisha
Under Ayushman Bharat, approximately 1.03 crore families in Odisha will benefit. Each family will receive up to ₹5 lakh health insurance annually, with an additional ₹5 lakh for women members, making the total coverage ₹10 lakh per family. This scheme extends healthcare services across over 30,000 hospitals nationwide, ensuring free and cashless treatment for beneficiaries.For senior citizens above 70 years, additional health insurance support will be provided under the PM Vayabandhan Yojana. Odisha alone houses 23,12,979 elderly individuals eligible for these benefits.
Key Features of Ayushman Bharat in Odisha
- Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme ensures treatment in both public and private hospitals.
- Cashless Facility: Beneficiaries can avail themselves of services without financial transactions at hospitals.
- Health Cards Distribution: Specially designed cards in tricolour will display beneficiaries’ details, scheme logos, and a message: "Swasthya Paain Baradan, Ayushman."
- Additional Focus on Rural Healthcare: Emphasis on providing access to healthcare in remote and rural regions.
Impact on Odisha’s Healthcare Landscape
Chief Minister Mohan Majhi stated that the scheme would bring transformative changes to healthcare, particularly in rural areas. It aligns with Odisha’s goal of achieving a prosperous state by 2036 and contributing to a developed India by 2047.With this integration, Ayushman Bharat and the Gopabandhu Arogya Yojana will co-exist temporarily, ensuring a seamless transition.
Nationwide Reach of Ayushman Bharat
This initiative is expected to benefit 55 crore poor citizens across India. Odisha’s participation further strengthens the mission of universal healthcare access, which is a cornerstone of the National Health Authority’s vision.By joining Ayushman Bharat, Odisha steps closer to ensuring quality healthcare for its citizens, marking a significant milestone in the journey toward a healthier and more inclusive India.