Hindus Protest in Kendrapara Against Attacks on Temples in Bangladesh

Kendrapara, Odisha - August 9, 2024: Today, members of the Baladev Sena held a peaceful protest in front of the Shri Siddhar Baladev Sena Jiu temple. The protest was in response to the recent destruction of the Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu temple and other Hindu temples in Bangladesh, which has caused great pain and anger within the Hindu community. 

Hindus Protest in Kendrapara Against Attacks on Temples in Bangladesh

The violence in Bangladesh started a few days ago, sparked by a student movement. This has now escalated, leading to the destruction of several Hindu temples, including the ancient Mudmani Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu temple in Koti Odia. The Hindu community is deeply hurt and outraged by these attacks, as they see them as a brutal form of oppression. 

During the protest, the Baldev Sena made several demands to the central government. They called for immediate action to be taken to protect Hindus in Bangladesh and for the government to evacuate all Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims who are illegally residing in Kendrapara district, the state, and the country. The protesters believe that these illegal residents are a threat to the safety and security of the Hindu community. 

The Baldev Sena also urged the government to provide shelter to Hindus fleeing persecution in Bangladesh. They believe that India, as a neighboring country, should open its doors to those who are being oppressed for their religious beliefs. 

In addition, the Baldev Sena called on the general public to boycott goods sold by Bangladeshi traders. They believe that this will send a strong message to the Bangladeshi government and pressure them to take action against the attacks on Hindu temples. 

Several prominent members of the Baldev Sena attended the protest, including Spokesperson Jyoti Ranjan Jadi, Chief Information Officer Ashutosh Panda, Adviser Niranjan Makeup, and Temple Attendant Babaji Jadi. Other members, such as Narsingh Jadi, Gagan Jadi, Shasikant Suar, Pramod Kara, Biswajit Jadi, Prafulla Jadi, Himanshu Raut, Umakant Behera, Lalatendu Behera, Alok Sahu, Umesh Behera, Ganesh Gochayat, and Lashmi Dhar Swayun, also participated in the protest. 

GThe protest remained peaceful, and the Baldev Sena hopes that the central government will take their demands seriously and act quickly to protect Hindus in Bangladesh and within India. The Hindu community in Kendrapara is standing strong in solidarity with their fellow believers in Bangladesh and will continue to voice their concerns until justice is served.

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