Nuagaon Playground Neglected Despite Lakhs Spent: Community Demands Action

Nuagaon Playground Neglected Despite Lakhs Spent: Community Demands Action

Nayagarh: In an effort to promote sports among the youth, the government has been investing crores of rupees across various blocks for sports equipment, usable playgrounds, and stadiums. However, in the Nuagaon block headquarters of Nayagarh district has emerged despite these efforts. 

The Nuagaon High School playground, which is the only usable playground in the area, is supposed to be a hub for local athletes. For the past decade, athletes from the region have been practicing here, but despite the significance of this playground, the necessary improvements have not been made. Public representatives and the block administration have been spending lakhs of rupees on the playground, yet it remains in a deplorable condition. 

The responsible officials have focused on unnecessary tasks, such as constructing a boundary wall without a gate, rather than essential improvements like building a guard wall to prevent water from entering the playground. Due to this neglect, the playground has deteriorated, and the concrete pitch in the middle has started merging with the soil, making it unusable for sports activities.

Moreover, a former Tahsildar, lacking foresight, allotted land around the playground to landless individuals, leading to encroachments. This further reduced the available space for sports activities. The playground has been treated like a stepchild, being used for every possible event. Government programs, political meetings, local festivals like Panchupandava, and even weddings are hosted here. Once these events are over, leaders, officers, and beneficiaries forget about the playground and its condition. 

In the past, members of the FECC Club have appealed to block officials and the district magistrate for the playground's protection, but these appeals have fallen on deaf ears. Due to political pressure, FECC Club members have faced backlash from leaders and contractors. Currently, even light rain makes it difficult to walk on the playground, forcing children to practice in a small corner. 

Various projects have been planned for the playground, but most of these projects remain incomplete. Due to the lack of a gate and the proximity of a liquor shop, the playground turns into a temporary bar at night, with broken liquor bottles scattered around by drunkards. 

The situation has led to a growing concern among the local community. To facilitate sports lovers and uphold the dignity of the block headquarters, there is a strong demand in the region to make the playground usable and ensure its security immediately. Local sports enthusiasts and residents are calling for immediate action to improve the condition of the playground, which is not only vital for promoting sports but also for maintaining the area's pride and dignity. 

The government and local authorities need to prioritize the essential improvements and security measures for the Nuagaon High School playground. Investing in necessary infrastructure, such as a proper drainage system, a secure boundary with gates, and regular maintenance, will go a long way in transforming the playground into a safe and usable space for athletes and the community. 

It is time for the officials to listen to the voices of the local community and take concrete steps to protect and improve the playground, ensuring that the funds allocated for sports development are used effectively and transparently. Only then can the true purpose of promoting sports among the youth be fulfilled, and the playground can become a vibrant and active center for sports and community activities once again.

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