Odisha Chief Secretary Assures BSKY Healthcare Continuity

Bhubaneswar: 06, june, 2024: Complaints have surfaced in Odisha regarding private hospitals allegedly refusing cashless treatment to beneficiaries of the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY). This program, aimed at providing accessible healthcare to the citizens of Odisha, has encountered hurdles as some hospitals cite a purported change in government as grounds for denial. 

Odisha Chief Secretary Assures BSKY Healthcare Continuity

In response to these concerns, Odisha's Chief Secretary, Pradeep Jena, has stepped forward with a decisive response. Addressing the issue through a video message, Jena assured the public that the BSKY would continue to offer cashless healthcare services without interruption. This proactive stance by the Chief Secretary seeks to allay fears and reaffirm the government's commitment to providing essential healthcare to its citizens. 

Chief Secretary's Assurance:

Pradeep Jena, the Chief Secretary of Odisha, has taken a firm stance in response to the concerns surrounding the denial of cashless treatment to Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) beneficiaries. Through a video message, Jena provided a clear and unequivocal assurance that the BSKY would persist in offering cashless healthcare services to its beneficiaries without interruption.

This assurance from the Chief Secretary not only seeks to address the immediate concerns of the affected individuals but also underscores the government's unwavering commitment to ensuring accessible healthcare for all citizens, especially those covered under the BSKY.

Moreover, Jena's message conveyed a stern warning to hospitals found to be non-compliant with the provisions of the BSKY. He emphasized that strict actions would be taken against any hospital found denying treatment facilities to BSKY beneficiaries. This declaration of consequences serves as a deterrent against any potential violations and reinforces the importance of adhering to the established guidelines to guarantee the smooth functioning of the healthcare system. 

Government's Stance:

In reaffirming its dedication to ensuring healthcare access for all Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) beneficiaries, the government of Odisha has underscored its unwavering commitment to the well-being of its citizens. Despite challenges posed by certain private hospitals allegedly refusing cashless treatment, the government stands resolute in its mission to provide essential healthcare services to all.

To further bolster transparency and accountability, the Health Department has established a dedicated helpline for individuals to report any instances of hospitals denying treatment facilities to BSKY beneficiaries. This proactive measure empowers citizens to actively participate in safeguarding their healthcare rights and ensures that any lapses in service provision are promptly addressed.

Through these initiatives, the government reiterates its steadfast resolve to uphold the principles of inclusivity and accessibility in healthcare delivery, thereby reaffirming its promise to prioritize the well-being of its citizens above all else. 

Previous Clarifications:

The Health & Family Welfare Department of Odisha has previously issued clarifications regarding the continuity of cashless treatment facilities under the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY). These clarifications serve to reinforce the government's commitment to ensuring uninterrupted access to healthcare services for BSKY beneficiaries.

Through official statements and communications, the department has assured the public that all BSKY beneficiaries will continue to avail themselves of cashless healthcare services without any disruptions. Empaneled hospitals have been sensitized and instructed to uphold their obligation to provide treatment to beneficiaries as before.

This proactive communication from the Health & Family Welfare Department serves to alleviate any concerns or misconceptions among the public regarding the status of healthcare provisions under the BSKY. By reaffirming the continuity of cashless treatment facilities, the department seeks to instill confidence in the healthcare system and reassure beneficiaries of their continued access to essential medical services. 

Political Response:

Odisha BJP President, Manmohan Samal, has weighed in on the issue surrounding the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) by urging stakeholders to avoid confusion and maintain clarity regarding the scheme. In a statement, Samal emphasized the importance of dispelling any misinformation or uncertainty surrounding the BSKY to ensure that beneficiaries continue to receive the benefits they are entitled to.

By calling for clarity and coherence in the implementation of the BSKY, Samal underscores the significance of transparent and effective governance in healthcare delivery. His intervention highlights the need for bipartisan cooperation in safeguarding the interests of citizens and upholding the integrity of social welfare programs like the BSKY.

Samal's stance reflects a broader political consensus on the importance of prioritizing public health initiatives and ensuring that they remain free from ambiguity or disruption. In aligning with the government's efforts to address concerns over the BSKY, Samal's statement reinforces the collective responsibility shared by political leaders to uphold the welfare of the people. 


In summary, the response to concerns over the denial of cashless treatment to Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) beneficiaries in Odisha has been characterized by decisive action and political consensus. 

Firstly, Chief Secretary Pradeep Jena's assurance through a video message reaffirmed the government's commitment to providing uninterrupted cashless healthcare services to BSKY beneficiaries. This proactive stance aimed to allay fears and ensure continued access to essential medical treatment.

Secondly, the government's steadfast stance, as reiterated by the Health & Family Welfare Department, underscores its unwavering dedication to upholding the principles of inclusivity and accessibility in healthcare delivery. Measures such as establishing a helpline for reporting hospitals denying treatment facilities further demonstrate the government's commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability.

Lastly, the political response, exemplified by Odisha BJP President Manmohan Samal's call to avoid confusion over the BSKY, highlights the bipartisan consensus on the importance of clarity and coherence in healthcare policy. By emphasizing the need for clarity, political leaders align with the government's efforts to safeguard the interests of BSKY beneficiaries.

In conclusion, the collective efforts of government officials and political leaders underscore a unified commitment to ensuring uninterrupted healthcare services for BSKY beneficiaries in Odisha. This commitment reflects the shared goal of prioritizing the well-being of citizens and upholding the integrity of social welfare programs.

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